Scholarships adv

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Travel Photography Nomads Scholarship

You can only submit one entry and set of (maximum of 5) photos per person and you do need to be 18 at the time of the application deadline (before July 5, 2013).

English does not have to be your first language, but you do need to have conversational English for this scholarship. In order for you to get the most of the mentorship you will need to be able to understand and converse with Jason on the trip.

The images do not need to be sequential from an event, and they can be a combined from over a period of time. However, please remember every image must tell a story and THEN the images must work TOGETHER to tell a story about a PLACE you have visited. Five great stand-alone images will not win the Scholarship (especially if they are all from different places!). They must represent one place you have visited.
 just give the photos context and a bit of background. You MUST include a caption for each image (see the Judging Process below). DO NOT use the Essay to tell us about your entry! Images that do not have a caption will receive a score of zero for this component
The Essay is your opportunity to tell us about yourself, it's the easiest part of the competition!
Tell us about YOU, what you hope to gain from the experience and what you hope to contribute back to the greater community through your photography. If you like even tell them why you think you should win but really this is about us learning about you and your photography. DO NOT use the essay to tell us about the images in your entry, that is what the Captions are for. If you use the Essay to tell us about your entry you will be penalised! See the Judging Process below.
 It is acceptable to convert a colour digital file to black and white but process the image carefully as over-treated black and white is as unacceptable to them as over-treated colour. It will not negatively effect the chances of an image winning, but Jason personally loves traditional black and white!
They suggest a resolution of 72 ppi/dpi and a pixel length of at least 960 pixels of the longest length of the image. Photos uploaded to a journal will be resized to a maximum of 960 pixels along the longest side. The maximum pixel size of photos uploaded to flickr will depend on the type of flickr account you have (free or paid), but will be at least 1024 pixels.

They do not accept images created using HDR techniques. In addition, compositing and multiple exposures are not allowed. Sandwich shots, double exposures, photographs which consist in any way of more than one separate image and images that have been digitally manipulated are not eligible.
see :

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